Saturday, February 20, 2010

KILL JIM Vol. 1 !!!

Hey don't blame me she was a 3rd degree black belt (age 65) , her man (Jim) loves tv, and she wanted to be kicking the "s##!!" out of him! Says he also runs his mouth much so have "me kicking him in it"! She even gave me a 50 spot when she got up off the floor from laughing.

John L. jr.?

I swore this kid was John Legends son! Told his dad Maury will be in town next month yall might wanted to visit him.

Noodleface & Buckyboss

Weak attempt here to incorporate "scar" & boss from "bugs bunn", into the gangsta theme.

Goin Huntn

This situation is getting boring to me im posting it because it sucks, no inovation here. Worst yet I had the "Golden - Egg" of a customer to wreck.... instead I laid the egg.

KeyMakers Daughter

This tom-boyish 19 yr old chick, is a trophy clad kart racer in her part of the country, tough chicks rock, they always pick the "odd & mysterious" situations!!

The Keymaker

Had fun with this dude at sports, ended up drawing all 4 of his fam. membs.He had em done in the past said  all were boring (3), wanted to see if i can do someting "original" & diff.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Brazilian Rock Blooper?

This boys father had a tattoo of this son's expression on his arm. For some extra $'s he asked if it can be drawn...with "mistake" by the tattoo artist included lol! ( Tat guy put thumb on wrong side doh!)

For all dem Saints fans

from a gig....a "big" Saints fan

She was fond of Alice...

Natsuki was hyped on the Alice chick, asked her if Natsuki meant Dorothy in english...she laughed.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Mike Mac's long lost Twin bro.

This guy from Canada had a remarkable ressemblance to BigMac (Mike) had to take a pic of him...